Join the Fun on Twitch Every Day at 2pm EST!

Welcome to our new website, which exists to redirect you to our Twitch page and shill out merch! Which I’m always working on, I swear.

About Me

I'm Secret Agent Jacob, and I'm thrilled to be your guide through whatever insanity we get into every day. As for my background, I’ve been gaming since I was a young child. Video games led me to my love of TV, movies, and music (especially the N64/PS1 era). I have a career background in absolutely nothing because my college sucked. But guess what, you don’t need a college degree to be successful. On the business side of things, I specialize in content monetization, making me the highest paid Affiliate on Twitch (Surpassing over 90% of Twitch’s Partners). I’ve helped Twitch Affiliates and Partners alike amplify their money-making capabilities, resulting in an increase of revenue of up to 750%. All the strategies I teach people, I also use myself on my Twitch stream every single day.

What to Expect

I am very much a Variety Streamer, meaning I play games from every genre, any style, and any length. Sometimes it’s Roguelikes, sometimes RPG. Or even FPS and racing games. The sky is the limit. At the end of the day, the game I’m streaming is secondary. Sometimes I’m streaming something that isn’t even a game.
Because it's not just about the gameplay; my streams are also a chance for us to connect and build a strong, supportive community. Join us in The Collective Chat, ask whatever questions are on your mind, share your own experiences, or simply hang out and enjoy the banter. Together, we'll create an inclusive and enjoyable environment for everyone. Unless I’m playing Pepsiman. That sucks.

Interact and Engage

As a viewer, your participation is highly valued. During the livestreams, I actively engage with the chat. In fact, it’s the bread and butter of the stream. In my opinion, it’s what makes a livestream worth doing. It creates an interactive experience that simply wasn’t possible before, and allows you to experience new games and your old favorites in ways you never expected.

Spread the Word

If you love the excitement and camaraderie of our streams, don't keep it to yourself! Share the news with your fellow gamers/introverts/rivals and invite them to join our community. The more, the merrier! Together, we can bully each other build an unforgettable experience.

Stay Connected

To never miss a moment of the action, be sure to follow me on Twitch and turn on those notifications. You can also stay updated on upcoming streams, special events, and announcements by joining our Discord server (Link at the top of the page).

Streaming live at 2 p.m. EST every day!

We’ve also been working on new YouTube content that we hope you’ll check out!

MERCH (Coming Soon!)